Home » Kidnapping » Kidnapping of Omar Bin On Ham, 26 years old, missing

Kidnapping of Omar Bin On Ham, 26 years old, missing

Imagine the despair of a family searching for their son for nearly 30 years, only to discover that he was just a few meters away from home, in the neighbor's house.

Omar Bin On Ham was 17 years old and lived in Algeria with his family, being the eldest son. Patient and affectionate, he preferred the company of children and animals over adults. His best friend was a dog that accompanied him at all times.

The city where he lived was historic, with more than half a million inhabitants, and residents usually walked to carry out their daily activities.

In 1997, Omar was attending a vocational school and, as usual, left to go to class. However, that day, he didn’t return home. The family, concerned about his sudden disappearance, waited a few hours, but realizing something was wrong, contacted the police the next day.

At that time, Algeria was in the midst of a civil war that lasted from 1992 to 2002, resulting in numerous kidnappings and deaths. Omar’s parents, aware of the seriousness of the situation, soon feared their son might have been one of the victims of this wave of violence.


Days passed, then months, without any news of Omar. The family distributed flyers throughout the city, appeared on television shows to publicize the case, and mobilized the media. However, hope slowly faded, and many relatives began to accept that perhaps he would not return.

Omar’s mother, however, never lost faith. Even in her final days, before dying of cancer, she asked the family not to stop searching, convinced that her son was alive.

As the family’s hope waned, an unexpected change began to occur. Omar’s dog, who had survived all those years, started behaving strangely. For a month, the dog would go to the neighbor’s house, about 200 meters away, sniffing at the doors and windows.

This obsession with the neighbor caught the family’s attention, but the situation took a tragic turn when the dog was found dead at their doorstep, poisoned. The dog’s death raised suspicion and questions about what was really going on.

Strong Suspicions

Suspicions grew when a social media post revealed an intense family dispute involving the neighbor, known only as “B.A.” B.A.’s brother accused him of hiding Omar, mentioning specific details about the young man, including his name and how long he had been missing. The family immediately contacted the police, who reopened the case.

The police went to B.A.’s house, and when he opened the door, he appeared calm and composed. He denied knowing anything about Omar’s disappearance and offered to let the police in to investigate.

The initial search yielded no results, until an officer noticed a trapdoor covered in straw. Upon removing it, they found Omar, frightened and tied up, in a state of shock. He had spent 26 years hidden in a hole in the basement, a place where B.A. apparently kept sheep.

Before and after Omar. His face reveals the desperation he experienced during all those years. / Photo: globo.com

Trauma Forever

Physically, Omar was fine, but his mental state was concerning. He was traumatized and unable to talk about the years of captivity. Reports indicate that during his time in confinement, he could see his family through the window, but an invisible force prevented him from leaving and asking for help.

Omar claimed he believed he was under the influence of black magic cast by B.A., revealing the depth of the psychological manipulation he endured.

Besides B.A., at least eight people were identified as accomplices in the kidnapping. Neighbors never suspected anything, believing B.A. to be an ordinary man who lived alone and led a normal life, despite his peculiar situation.

Investigators also discovered evidence of strange rituals in B.A.’s house, leading to suspicions that Omar may have been held as part of a ritual.

Unanswered Questions

Theories about B.A.’s motivations include human trafficking and the belief in “special children,” considered valuable for magical rituals due to specific physical characteristics. Omar possessed some of these traits, which may have attracted B.A.’s attention. The details of the case, the manipulations, and the possibility of dark rituals make the story even more grim.

Currently, Omar is receiving psychological support and trying to reintegrate into society. Meanwhile, the case continues to generate interest and speculation. What really happened during those 26 years? The future may bring more answers and perhaps shed more light on this tragedy that haunts both Omar’s family and the community.

We are closely following this case and will post any updates about it, so stay tuned!

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