Home » Brutal Cases » Alexee Trevizo, newborn found dead in hospital

Alexee Trevizo, newborn found dead in hospital

The case of Alexee Trevizo shocked the community when the young woman was accused of secretly giving birth and hiding her baby's body in a hospital.

Alexee Trevizo, a 19-year-old young woman, lived most of her life in the quiet town of Artesia, New Mexico. Daughter of Rosa Trevizo, she was a diligent student, dedicated to her school community, and very active in extracurricular activities such as cheerleading and choir.

In early 2023, she was about to finish high school and had already made plans for the future: she intended to enroll at New Mexico State University, located more than 280 km from her hometown.

On the outside, Alexee seemed to live a perfect life. She had been dating Devin Fiero for three years, was well-regarded by friends and teachers, and had never been involved in any trouble. But behind her calm façade, she was hiding a devastating secret that would change her life forever and shock a small community—and later, the entire country.

Alexee Trevizo and Devin Fiero at a school dance. / Photo: Reproduction.

First Suspicions

Everything began to change in November 2022. Close friends noticed that Alexee was gaining weight unusually and made a few jokes, but the young woman always responded with convincing excuses. She attributed the weight gain to birth control and frequent snacks at McDonald’s with Devin.

However, something seemed off about the situation. Some friends said Alexee seemed to avoid conversations about menstruation and pregnancy, while other close ones claimed the young woman already knew she was expecting a boy, for whom she had chosen the name Alex Ray Fiero.

Even with the obvious signs and rumors spreading, neither her mother, Rosa, nor other family members realized what was truly happening. Rosa, in fact, believed her daughter was a virgin, as Alexee always assured her she wasn’t sexually active.

The image above, taken three weeks before the delivery, shows Alexee Trevizo’s visible pregnancy. / Photo: Reproduction.

Fateful Night

In the early hours of January 27, 2023, Alexee was rushed to Artesia General Hospital by Rosa. The young woman was complaining of extreme lower back and abdominal pain. According to her mother, Alexee had suffered from back pain since childhood, so the family never suspected anything unusual. But that night, the pain was too intense to ignore.

As soon as she arrived at the hospital, Alexee was quickly attended to. During the initial triage, she denied being sexually active and claimed her menstruation was regular, but as a standard procedure, the medical staff performed a pregnancy test. In less than an hour, the test came back positive. Surprisingly, Alexee was not informed of the result and was not confronted by the doctors. Thus, no one suspected that she might be in labor.

Around 1:39 a.m., Alexee went to the bathroom alone. She stayed there for about 20 to 30 minutes, which was considered a long time. During this period, a nurse knocked on the door to check if everything was okay, as she had heard the toilet flushing several times. Alexee responded that she was fine and just having trouble going to the bathroom. Apparently satisfied with the response, the nurse returned to her station, but what had happened in that bathroom was about to shake the hospital.

Body in a Trash Bag

When Alexee finally left the bathroom, a cleaning crew was sent to sanitize the area. That was when one of the workers noticed something disturbing: a heavy trash bag, placed beneath another clean bag. Upon inspecting it, the worker found the body of a male newborn.

The baby still had part of the umbilical cord attached, was fully formed, and covered in blood. What appeared to be an ordinary trash bag concealed a scene of horror and despair. The discovery prompted an immediate reaction from the doctors and an urgent call to the authorities.

Alexee Trevizo and her mother in a hospital room. / Photo: Reproduction.

Alexee was taken back to her room for questioning. When confronted, the young woman only whispered: “I’m sorry, it came out of me. I didn’t know what to do.” She claimed that the baby was stillborn and that, not knowing how to react, she decided to hide him.

Secrets and Lies

The news of the discovery quickly spread through the small community of Artesia, and the reaction was swift. How could such a promising and active young woman have hidden a pregnancy and, even worse, discarded a baby in a trash bag?

Rumors began circulating through the school halls, and soon classmates started questioning the sudden disappearance of Alexee and Devin in the days leading up to the incident.

When the couple returned to school, it seemed as if nothing had happened. They sat side by side in the cafeteria, laughed with friends, and continued participating in school activities. But the shadows of Alexee’s secret hung over them. Curious glances and whispered comments followed their every move.

Autopsy Report

Two months later, the autopsy report on the baby was released, and the revelation shocked the community even further: the baby had been born alive. The examination confirmed the presence of air in the child’s lungs, indicating that he had breathed after birth. Additionally, hemorrhaging consistent with hypoxia—lack of oxygen—was identified. The official cause of death was declared as asphyxia due to entrapment in a plastic bag.

This diagnosis drastically changed the course of the investigation. The prosecution charged Alexee with first-degree murder, child abuse, and tampering with evidence. The case began attracting more media attention, with journalists from across the country covering the story.

Shock, Denial, and Desperation

Alexee’s defense attorney, Gary Mitchell, argued that his client had no idea she was pregnant and that she went into shock after giving birth alone in the bathroom. He accused the hospital of negligence, claiming that the medical staff should have closely monitored Alexee once they learned of the positive pregnancy test.

Alexee Trevizo. / Photo: Instagram.

Additionally, Mitchell pointed out that the medications administered to the young woman before the pregnancy was confirmed could have contributed to the baby’s death. The lawyer argued that the medical staff failed to provide the necessary support, leaving Alexee alone, both physically and emotionally, to deal with a desperate situation.

Alexee’s Future

In August 2023, the case took a significant turn. A judge ruled that the security camera footage and Alexee’s confessions made at the hospital could not be used as evidence in court, weakening the prosecution’s case dramatically. Without this evidence, the trial was temporarily suspended, leaving the community and the media in a state of suspense.

Alexee Trevizo immediately after being arrested. / Photo: Reproduction.

Now, everyone waits anxiously for the outcome of this dark drama. Will Alexee Trevizo be convicted of murder? Or will the investigative and medical oversight failures help her escape severe punishment?

One thing is certain: this case will continue to spark debates about medical negligence, women’s rights, and justice for babies who have no voice.

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